IMPORTANT: Annonce de Fermeture de

Chers clients et partenaires,
Après plus de quinze années d’engagement et de passion partagées, nous avons le regret de vous annoncer que cessera ses activités à compter du 15/02/2025.

Depuis notre lancement en 2009, nous avons eu le plaisir de vous fournir un accès fiable et sécurisé aux newsgroups, contribuant ainsi à enrichir vos échanges et vos connaissances. Cependant, avec l’évolution rapide des technologies et une baisse d’intérêt générale pour les newsgroups, nous avons pris la décision difficile de mettre un terme à cette aventure.

Nous tenons à exprimer notre profonde gratitude pour votre confiance et votre fidélité tout au long de ces années. Votre soutien a été essentiel à notre succès et nous en sommes sincèrement reconnaissants.

Si vous avez des questions ou besoin d’assistance durant cette période de transition, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter à l’adresse suivante :

Nous vous souhaitons le meilleur pour vos projets futurs et espérons que nos chemins pourront se recroiser dans d’autres contextes.

Merci encore pour votre confiance et votre soutien.

L’équipe de

Respect of Intellectual Properties

Z51 is a trademark of Z51 L.L.C.

Z51 is very attached to the respect of Intellectual Properties and conforms itself to the laws of its country of origin (Z51 is a US company).
The DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act) which was approved at the US Congress in 1988, in order to face the electronic problems attached to copyrights especially by way of the Internet.

Z51 and the DMCA

Below you will find instructions to submit a notification to Z51,  your copyright is important to us, and we will do whatever need be to protect it (copyright) in accord to the DMCA aggreement.

How to submit a DMCA notification?

DMCA only authorizes the owner of the copyright or the agent legaly authorized by the owner to submit DMCA notification.If you are neither the owner of the copyright or his (her) legaly authorized agent and you have informations on what you believe is a copyrighted work on our server. Please send your informations to the owner of the copyrights. Legaly under the DMCA, only the owner of the copyrights can identify its property and confirm it at the risk of parjuring himself that it should be taken into account.

A correctly filled DMCA notification addheres to the recommandations and principles established by the DMCA itself.The elements needed for a correct DMCA notifications are :

  1. Precise identification of the person or entity submitting the DMCA notification.
  2. Relations to the owner of the copyright clearly declared (him or legaly habilitated agent)
  3. The ID Message of all the articles of the DMCA you ask Z51 to remove. Please keep in mind that some articles are long enoughto be posted over several usenet articles; those are called multiple posts. Be sure to identify all the Message ID of all the articles you want be removed.
  4. A "digital or electronical signature" emanating from an authorized person to act in the name of the owner. This is done by giving a name and an adress where the person can be contacted in case someone wants to contest your notification.
  5. Although not legally required by the DMCA, includind "Copyright violation" in the subject of your mail will avoid your mail to be considered as spam.
  6. Submit notification to

Once we will have identified some of the files by the message ID, and a correctly filled DMCA notification we will remove all identified files that broke copyright immediately. If all files have been posted by a Z51 customer, this said customer will be banned from our services immediately. Then we will acknowledge your notification and let you know we removed all the incriminated files.


2008/2025 © Z51